SYL8884 Unofficial Homepage

(SYL8884PCI - EIO 4/5x86 Enhanced Main Board)

Main Page

small layout picture Features
Connectors and Jumper Settings
Close relatives
Personal Remarks, Tips, BIOS-Setup and -Updates,
Overclocking ...

Why did I create this page?


Last modified: 03/12/2001

Thanks to Ignacio Pérez Fernández and Dennis S. for M921 Boards

Personal Remarks:
Why did I create this page ?

This is a story in three parts:
  1. Once upon a time I was dealing with my cousins PC. She has a PCChips M919 486 VIP board.
    During the search for the manufacturer I came across the Unofficial Homepage for this board.
    I liked the idea.
    Check out this page too. It offers lot of tips which are also working for the Syl8884.
  2. After a while I got this board. No manufacturer, no support, nothing.
    So I decided to do such a homepage too.
  3. I am convinced that 486-based PC's still have enough power to work well for lots of purposes, especially when the operating system is not Windows. Linux runs very well on those machines.

NOTE: I can't be responsible for the accuracy of this information, nor can I promise that you'll be able to solve all of your problems. Further, you must consider and understand you do any modifications at your own risk.

And there is another support page here.

This page is still under development, so if you've got any problems, questions or ideas, simply contact me.
